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- Adalet - Hotels and Highways
- Ahmed - Afghanistan Rising
- al-Dewachi - Ungovernable Life: Mandatory Medicine and Statecraft in Iraq
- al-Jabbar - The Shiite Movement in Iraq
- algorithms for decision making
- algorithms for optimization
- Anderson - Imagined Communities
- Anscombe - State, Faith, and Nation
- arabian satire - poetry from hmedan
- Arendt - The Human Condition
- Asad - Formations of the Secular
- Asad - Secular Translations
- Azam - Sexual Violation in Islamic Law
- Bateson - Steps to an Ecology of Mind
- Bayat - Revolution without Revolutionaries
- Blanch - Sabers of Paradise
- Blaydes - State of Repression
- Blumi - Ottoman Refugees, 1878-1939
- Bouillion et al - Iraq: Preventing Another Generation of Conflict
- Braben - Scientific Freedom: The Elixir of Civilization
- Can - Spiritual Subjects
- Carse - Finite and Infinite Games
- Chaterjee - The Nations and Its Fragments
- Chilton and Kopytowska - Religion, Lanugage, and the Human Mind
- Chomsky - Language and Mind
- Chomsky - Syntatic Structures
- computers
- Coppercock - Invitation into Formal Semantics
- Cramer - Civil War is Not a Stupid Thing
- Derrida - Archive Fever
- DiCapua - Gatekeepers of the Arab Past
- Duara - The Crisis of Global Modernity
- Duenas - Unwanted Witnesses
- Duffield - Development, Security, and Unending War
- Epstine - Range
- Fiebelman - A PhD is Not Enough
- Gambetta et al - Streetwise
- Gatti - Suriving Forced Disapperance in Argentina and Uruguay
- Gauvain - Salafi Ritual Purity: In the Presence of God
- Gregg - BFP Performance Tools
- Haddad - Understanding Sectarianism
- Halevi - Modern Things on Trial
- Hanf - Coexistence in Wartime Lebanon
- Hansen - The Saffron Wave
- Haplin - Thirteen Ways to Make a Plural
- Hart - Why Don't We Learn From History?
- Hassan - Longing for the Lost Caliphate
- hausenblas - programming kubernetes
- Herbert - Erlang in Anger
- Ho - Graves of Tarim
- Hobbes - Introduction to Religious Language
- Hofstadter - Godel, Escher, Bach
- Humanism in Ruins - Discussion Questions
- humanism in ruins discussion questions
- Janert - Feedback Control for Computer Systems
- Jiries - Balkan Fighters in the Syrian War
- Johnson - Automatic Religion
- Kalyvas - The Logic of Violence in Civil War
- Khan - The Great Partition
- Khoshaba - Iraqi Dialect vs Standard Arabic
- Kilcullen - Out of the Mountains
- Knight et al - Honored, Not Contained
- Kolbert - Field Notes from a Catastrophe
- Larson - An Elegant Puzzle: Systems of Engineering Management
- Li - The Universal Enemy
- Lockman - Contending Visions of the Middle East
- Macaes - History has Begun
- Maher - Salafi-Jihadism: The History of an Idea
- Mahmood - Religious Difference in a Secular Age
- Makdisi - The Ecumenical Frame
- Meeker - A Nation of Empire
- Mervin - The Shi'a worlds and Iran
- Mitchel - Rule of Experts: Egypt, Techno-politics, Modernity
- Mumby - Graduate School
- Nagel, Ferran - Politics of Religion and Nationalism
- Newport - Deep Work
- Nystrom - Crafting Interpreters
- Parks - Stuff You Can Kick
- Peters - Getting What You Came For
- Piketty - Capital in the Twenty-First Century
- Porter - Military Orientalism
- Pouligny - Peace Operations Seen From Below
- principa mathmatica
- Provonce - The Last Ottoman Generation
- Pursely - Familiar Futures
- Rayburn - Iraq After America
- Safouan - Why are the Arabs Not Free?
- Secor - Children of Paradise
- shia reading list
- Simon - Imposition of Nationalism on Non-Nation State
- Simpson - War from the Ground Up
- Sloan-White: Corporate Islam
- Smith - How University Budgets Work
- Sokal and Bricmont - Fashional Nonsense
- Soper, Fetzer - Religion and Nationalism in Global Perspective
- Soren - Taking Smart Notes
- Staniland - Networks of Rebellion
- Subedi - Combatants to Civilians
- Toufic - Palestine Ltd: Neoliberalism and Nationalism
- Tufekci - Twitter and Tear Gas
- Turabian - A Manual for Writers
- Weiss - In the Shadows of Sectarianism
- Williams - Research Handbook on Post-Conflict Statebuilding
- Young - Ultralearning
- Zaman - Islamic Traditions of Refuge in Iraq and Syria