عجفت الغور

big data processing



  • Design
    • Distributed file system
    • Cluster
    • User program
    • Scheduler
  • Hadoop is the open source implementation


  • Divide the input data into a specific number of splits
  • Then process those individually on workers using a Map function
  • Clients only provide the map and the reduce
  • If values are too large, we feed to the Reduce function via an iterator
  • The manager holds all the state, controlling the subordinate tasks and acts as a relay for intra-worker communications. Stores the identity of each worker and state.
  • Mapper is a worker that operates on input data splits to produce intermediate results
  • Reducer - process intermediate kv pairs to produce the output file
  • Sometimes, if map produces a huge amount of data that’s sharded improperly, a huge amount of keys will go to only a specific reducers
    • Therefore do a pre-scan of the input data, sampling from it, getting a baseline distribution
    • Also use a reduce worker to sort the intermediate data
  • Keep the intermediate filers on the mappers, who then turn into reducers to maintain data locality
  • How do we deal with stragglers?
    • If it’s a faulty disk or a machine overload, the manager is responsbile for rescheduling

Design Refinements


  • How do to files? Keep track of the key as the offset in the input file, and the value is the content of that file
  • How do we partition? Normally we just hash the key mod R (where R is the reducers), but we can do a little better
    • One way: preprocess the key, specific keys can have elements extracted from them for usage. For example, we can do hash(hostname(google.com/blah)) to extract google.com out
  • Combiner functions
    • We can use a combiner function (basically a sort | uniq) to preprocess values before they go to the reducer for reduced network bandwidth usage
  • Key thing is that both the map and reduce functions expect functions that are deterministic and idempontent so that they can retry if needed


  • Status pages, workers need to report their state and users need to be able to see the state on master
    • Each worker holds a local counter object and periodically sends the success, failed, etc count to the manager
  • Skipping bad records
    • Sometimes records are bad, and we need to skip it
    • Whenever a worker dies from processing a request, it sends an error message to the manager, who then keeps tracks of errors on that particular key or offset. If the sequence number is high enough, it marks the job as skipped
  • Profiling tools should also be provided to help guide swes
  • Managers need to have a shadow, and one that starts back up
  • Streaming data?
    • We can accomplish this by collecting mini batches as the straem comes in



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