Tags: root
grad school professors
- open source firmware conference
Laptop Manufacturers
- Clevo - company that manufactures white label laptops
Lucas Pope Devlogs
Non-von Neumann Architectures (books)
Hetzner Server Auctions
- books about quirky computers -
Old terms
Links to this note
- airbus 350 servers
- algorithms
- andrei kolmogorov
- assembly
- audio detection
- awk
- bash
- big data processing
- blockchain
- blogging platforms
- build systems
- Bunz: School Will Never End: On Infantilization in Digital Environments
- bytecode
- c/cpp shared resources
- cache
- Card and DiNardo: Skill-Biased Technological Change and Rising Wage Inequality
- cellular networks
- chips
- chomsky grammar
- cli's
- cloud
- coding tools
- collusion rings
- compilers
- complexity
- computer graphics
- computer science testability
- configuration langauges
- control theory
- cpu
- cron
- crypto (for cryptography)
- data structures
- Databases
- date parsing
- debuggers
- dennard scaling
- distributed systems
- dma
- docker/containers
- Domain Fronting in Signal Article
- double buffering
- ebooks
- eink
- elixir
- emacs
- Endianess
- envoy
- etcd
- eva as an automatic religion
- fever rss
- file systems
- finance
- fish
- foreign langugages vs programming languages
- formal semantics
- frontend
- fsf
- fuzzing
- generative art
- gephi
- git
- gnu coreutils
- golang
- gpt3 test case generation
- gpu
- grafana 7.0
- graphql
- greedy search
- Gregg - BFP Performance Tools
- gron
- gtk
- gui
- halting problem
- hardware
- haskell
- hci
- heaps
- http
- hugo
- images
- information theory
- inifiband
- interrupt
- Janert - Feedback Control for Computer Systems
- java
- javascript
- json
- judea pearl
- kafka
- Karp et al: The Organization of Computations for Uniform Recurrence Equations
- kernel
- kubernetes (k8s)
- kvms (keyboards and mice)
- kyoto tycoon
- Lamport: Time Clock and the Ordering of Distributed Systems
- Larson - An Elegant Puzzle: Systems of Engineering Management
- latex
- linting
- linux
- lisp
- low latency
- macbook butterfly keyboard repair
- Mahsan et al: The Role Domain Expertise in User Trust and the Impact of First Impressions with Intelligent Systems
- makefiles
- mapping
- market apis
- mechanized proofs
- Mitzenmacher: The Power of Two Random Choices: A Survey of Techniques and Results
- ml
- monitoring
- moore's law
- multicore ocaml
- mutex (locks)
- networks
- obscure features of jpeg
- open data kit
- open source
- openapi
- opensfm
- operating systems
- os x
- payment processors
- pcre
- perjorative titles
- philosphy of programming
- postgres
- postmortems and outages
- presentation tools
- pricing software
- programming frameworks
- programming languages
- progressive-jpeg-pr
- protobuf
- protocols
- pxe boot
- python
- quantum computing resource list
- queueing theory
- r
- ragel
- raid
- ram (computer memory)
- ray tracing
- real time systems (rts)
- redis
- refactoring
- remarkable
- rfc's
- robot36
- rust
- sample rate
- schedulers
- sdr
- sematech
- sgx
- Shannon - A Mathematical Theory of Communication
- shell
- simulation spiral of death
- source explorers
- sql
- ssh-notes
- state machines
- storage
- string matching
- structured logs
- submarine cable map
- svg
- swe tea
- syscalls
- tail call optimization
- telegraph cables
- text boundary analysis
- thinkpads
- thread building blocks
- twitter developer api
- usb
- valgrind
- video games
- virtualization (VMs)
- visualization
- vps
- wasm
- web
- windows
- wkhtmltopdf
- wordpress
- writing tools
- wwan x1 carbon
- zotero