عجفت الغور

Khoshaba - Iraqi Dialect vs Standard Arabic

iraqi arabic, books

Consnants as Diaphones

  • Moslawis uses (غ) for ر
    • moslawi - غاح نغوح
    • baghdadi - راح نروح
  • Baghdadi dialect and Southern speakers use گ instead of ق
    • baghdadi - هو گال هييه گالت
    • standard/moslawi - هو قال هي قالت
  • Southern speakers use چ for ك in the conjuction of كان
    • Southern - چاجه نايم - he sleemed to be sleepy
    • Standard - بدا كنئه نائما
  • the ال, iraqis pronounce it (il) whenever it makes the beginning of an utterence, or if there is a time space in between the words when iraqis talk slowly to each other
  • tendency in iraqi arabic to start with a two consonant cluster
  • only relative pronoun is اللي


  • گبل ما